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What is tea?

Let's start at the beginning...

Tea is often described as an aromatic beverage, that is enjoyed far and wide across the world. It is so widely consumed that it ranks no.2 on the drinks chart after water! This comes as no surprise to tea lovers, as it is the easiest thing to sip on splendidly at anytime of day and for any occasion.

With it's countless varieties, it is essential to find a brew that comes from a sustainable source and is easily seen to be the real deal.

A curled leaf that unfurls effortlessly, increasing in size as it bathes in the hot water, naturally releasing it's pure colour, aroma, and clarity, is a good sign of a well picked tea. There are generally six categories tea is divided into according to how it is dried : ~ White ~ Yellow ~ Green ~ Oolong ~ Black ~ Dark In Australia, milk added to the tea is known as "white tea", however true white tea is dried in the wilted and unoxidized process. Whatever colour, strength, or aroma you prefer, I think we can all agree that tea in it's purest form is the most delightful beverage we can share together and experience a sense of calm and connection when shared with others. Happy Tea Drinking!

1 則留言

Kelum Ranatunga
Kelum Ranatunga

Beautifully described. Agree with the fact that white tea is another variety of tea though the term white tea is often used to describe tea with milk.

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